“…………..Sir Eric surveyed his landed acres
His gardens and other places
And noted with pride his flowers and veg
Grown in these open spaces
Yet something stirred in Sir Eric’s breast
Something was not right
He searched his mind for what it was
Might lead him to the light
Of a sudden he heard a young girl sing
Away off in the distance
And to his memory her song
Provided much assistance
For Sir Eric knew just what he missed
And what was clearly wrong
His gardens lacked the noble sound
Of lovely avian song.
He called his serfs together
“Men” he cried “soon as you’re able”
Build for me just over there
The best ever bird table
The table built was in a place
Known as the Fortunes Temple
And soon birds of every kind
Came by the food to sample
He placed there bacon rind and nuts
A cuttle fish to bite on
And let no human close to it
Lest they the birds should frighten
The nuts went quickly as you’d expect
The bacon rind went less so
For there the birds were orthodox
Indeed, and would confess so
Yet in the wood nearby that place
Where grew the Trees of Cherry
Something stirred as creatures heard
Of Sir Eric’s birds so merry
So ‘gainst this Eden’s great delight
A plot was hatched together
To raid the birdy table soon
Whatever was the weather
Who were these plotters you might ask
Who would betray Sir Eric
And bring to bliss the serpent’s hiss
And drive poor birds hysteric?
Twas SQUIRRELS, yea, the blight it was
A family, ‘bout a dozen
Along with siblings, uncles, aunts
And many - oh many- a cousin
They on the twelfth day of July
First raided Fortunes Temple
And got away with nutty loot,
And bacon rind so ample
And to their lair, they did repair
This stolen hoard to feast
And any sense of guilt or doubt
They suffered not the least
When Sir Eric saw the table bare
His heart was so much troubled
That in his mind, though not unkind
A sense of vengeance bubbled
He vowed the squirrels to repel
By all means as were available
And to his birds restore sole rights
To feast at their own table
And so began a game of wits
To see who would prevail
And who would win, could anything
The squirrel raids curtail?
Yet each device Sir Eric tried
Was totally ineffective
The squirrels just bit through each part
Of deterrents defective
One morning quite demoralised
And on point of surrender
Sir Eric, wondered how much longer he
Could be the birds’ defender
A soldier he, who’d beaten foes
Cunning, daring, human
Had failed to match his wits against
This squirrely acumen
Just then Sir Eric recalled a source
The “Oracle Amazonian”
Where one found stuff that otherwise
Took efforts quite draconian
He searched th’ oracle every space
Both Amazon and “Marketplace”
Until he found that which he sought and
Having found it, duly bought
This new equipment worked a treat
The squirrels it did quite defeat
Through its material they could not bite
Which gave Sir Eric great delight
The birds returned and fed each day
The squirrels quite down hearted
Packed up their nuts and from the woods
Quite rapidly departed
Of them indeed I hear that
They are now wholly relocated
To Finches Lea where the pickings are thin
Their appetites go unsated.”
http://treesrockandwater.blogspot.comPoems and articles by Mark Shuck
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