Sweet, sweet peas - the loveliest of God's creation!
Now, how to go about it. Sow from seed in October or February and over winter under glass - no need for heating. One seed per tube - you can buy multiple packs from garden centres. Use potting compost. When the shoots appear as small bushes, nip the
tops for vigorous growth.
Plant out around the middle of March in well prepared soil. Grow up a wigwam, or line of netting, and tie in as they grow. Flowers should appear around middle of May, and flowering season lasts into September.
Now the lovely part. Pick the flowers every day. This is to prevent seeding, which spells the end of flowering (to be avoided at all costs). By so doing you can fill every room of the house with the most heavenly scent from May to September. All for
the cost of a pack of seeds!
Main classifications:
1. Spencers -the modern, showy type, in all colours.
2. Old-fashioned - smaller, but more subtle.
3. Semi- grandiflora.
4. Modern grandiflora.
This year I have tried a mixture of all four, including Sweet Smelling, Black Knight, Cupani. For a first attempt go for the sweetest smelling for encouragement.
Best of all join the National Sweet Pea Society: motto The sent of a single Sweet Pea makes the day worthwhile.
Let me know how it goes.
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