This blog shows my activities and other people's initiatives. There are also articles that have been contributed.

Back on the plot . Page3


Old photos . I now have a large Brassica cage

Lots of old entries deleted.

The video if it works is probably an old video of my plots and tour garden.


I have onions and garlic overwintering in the ground . Recently I dug trenches the area to try and drain water . Onions can easily rot if the soil stays too sodden. 

That is all for now though I will continue to update.

 11 th January 2021

I have been busy onsite despite the weather. Some general maintenance jobs such as putting Jubilee clips on drip pipe connections on the raised beds for people with physical difficulties. There is a huge build up of water pressure at the lower end of the site where the beds are situated and to install pressure control valves would be too expensive. Though I shut off the water onsite for the winter and will only turn it on in the spring when requested I prefer to do those tasks now.

Though it's still a bit early I sowed Aubergine seed and red cabbage seed (which should be sowed in February but as I have extra I will occasionally test the boundaries ) I store the trays in a friends greenhouse on site as he has installed electricity. My greenhouse and polytunnels are cool facilities . I am reluctant to use paraffin heaters. 

Tied wire along the rows of broadbeans to support when they grow taller.. 

15th January 2021

I don't write after every visit  . Readjusted brassica netting. Checked for any flood damage , minimal.

29th January 2021

I haven't blogged for a while . I have been busy with other things. Work on the allotment has been difficult due to weather conditions. I came down after the snow and knocked remaining snow off the nets and repositioned hoops over the Brassica . I am mulling on how to improve the Brassica cage or to set a new one up on the top plot.

I tested the soil PH in various areas and added lime where it was low in the areas where I intend planting more Brassica.

I have dug trenches for potatoes more for the exercise as there is no hurry .

Repositioned a compost box and added Urine as an activator .

1rst February

I have some seedlings in a fellow plot holders greenhouse as he has heating . Put some tomato seeds from supermarket tomato's in paper towel. let them dry and sowed them. Germinating.

3rd February 2021

Sowed Summer Cabbage. A bit early but worth a try to get big plants. 

I will start to prepare for a U3A zoom group learning to grow vegetables     

12 February 2025

I have visited the site when there was a thaw but haven't done much due to the weather . I did have to dig to open the greenhouse door . . Checked the seedlings in a friends greenhouse . He has electricity. I found one of the heating mats wasn't working. replaced it  with a new one . 

We had a lively U3A meeting and I realised how experienced people are . I felt I could sit back . It also helps to stimulate thought . I have put in application to take on another small plot near the gate . Though not sure if i will get it. 

As a result of the allotment committee meeting I have ordered compost bins for the raised beds and will also be ordering compost .                                                                                                                                                                            

16th feb 

Had to throw out tomato seedlings despite the heating the cold spell was too much . The cabbage seedlings have taken off. Put together a new tool chest. Did some other general maintenance tasks     

17th February 2021

I spread more chippings on the main path where there was a risk of slipping and brought down chippings for the path on my lower plot. 


I have sowed some tomatoes , flat cabbage, brocolli, sweet peas  and potted up some cauliflower seedlings.

Am ordering a delivery of John innes no 1 I have sieveing  lumpy compost. it's a lot of work and john innes is perfect for the job

I am not holding up too much hope as the compost is lumpy and has bits in it. I have been sieving  it and will 

It's been a while since I have been on the blog so now we are at the other end of the year    .

Still in the midst of a pandemic though some people seem to think it's not around and people are dying.

The allotment has been a source of comfort and guarantee of vegetables which is useful as it was thought that after Brexit there would be shortages and so there are.

Now there is a lot to harvest and some of it goes to neighbours . Other than that I do a lot of the maintenance on site .

I have just sown a lot of onion sets and dug a trench for runner beans next year. Meanwhile veg waste will go in the trench as well as in compost box.       

Just ordered some Bocking 14 comfrey plants. I have comfrey but want a superior type   

Aubergine are appearing in the polytunnel . Rather late in the year.

Worked in the brassica cage weeding and taking lower leaves off bruzssel sprouts 

21rst September

Onion sets have been sow and some garlic . I thought I'd add an update to the allotment committee.

1/09/2021 09:28
  •  You

Plotholders may want, with Eva’s permission, to take some of the stems I cut down of the shrub (which I emailed her about )that reaches the wildlife area.
Some of the stems are thick and might work as runner beans supports.
Now there is visual through to the fence though the shrub will regrow probably with vigour but if feasible maybe an ongoing source for supports .
Hopefully a brushcutter will sort out the main part of the brambles at the back of the wildlife garden which were too thick and risky to reach.
Someone might want to consider a sign if indeed people are picnicking on the plot .
They may find themselves taking a dip in one of the two ‘water facilities.’ The current metal frames seem quite unsafe at least in the nearest to the path.
Nice to see Ken and Madeline back ‘on the plot.’
I did make the usual comment reminding not to empty on fire chief John’s fire pit but they were well aware .
I was under the impression that they were at a loss as to where the abunda
I offered, as a partial solution,  my dalek composter. Hopefully it will break down .
My ultimate wish is the FHS will purchase a small tractor with a front loader and then we can keep turning loads of green stuff in the corner by the cabin .
Who knows it could even become a saleable product.

Received field plants of kale and they have been planted .

Cleared and hung some tomato plants so that fruit can ripen . Planted cauliflower plants in their place in the polytunnel.

Despite the onset of winter a lot of areas are planted up . A whole  area of onion and garlic . I have also started to prepare a hugelbed . . I dug out trenches for runner beans which I will fill with composted material .

I plan to try a natural method for heating the greenhouse which incorporates manure. Have worked on my wife's raised bed  topping it up with manure and then compost. I also topped up another raised bed                                                                                   

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